Release of Elementary Students to Secondary Student Sibling/Relative
Wapato Public Schools understand some families may need their secondary school level children to pick up siblings or relatives from the elementary schools during dismissal. Safety is the District’s first and foremost concern for all students attending Wapato Public Schools. To ensure the safest environment for all students and staff members, secondary students may pick up siblings or relatives during dismissal if the following procedures are followed.
The following procedures are required for secondary students to pick up elementary students:
- Parents/guardians of elementary students must give written permission prior to their children being picked up by a WSD secondary student. Permission forms will be available in the elementary offices and on-line.
- All secondary students must wear their school identification in plain sight (lanyard). Students who have been registered in the elementary offices will be issued a sticker to place on the back of their student I.D.
- An area will be designated at each elementary school for secondary students to wait until dismissal. To ensure a safe learning environment the school building and playground are restricted for secondary students waiting to pick up elementary children
- Secondary students are not allowed to ride the bus with elementary students.
Students who fail to follow this policy will be asked to leave campus. Discipline may be issued to any students who disobey these expectations up to and including being trespassed from the elementary campuses. Building administrators, Phoenix Security, and the WSD school resource officer will enforce this policy to ensure a safe dismissal environment for the students and staff members at the elementary buildings.
Just a reminder:
-The elementary campuses are closed to secondary students until 3:30 p.m. unless the previous procedures have been followed.
- Secondary students are not allowed to ride the bus with elementary students
Las escuelas públicas de Wapato entienden que algunas familias tengan la necesidad de que sus hijos del nivel secundario recojan a hermanos o parientes de las escuelas primarias durante la hora de despedida. La seguridad para todos los estudiantes del distrito escolar de Wapato es nuestra mayor prioridad. Para asegurar el medio más seguro para todos los estudiantes y personal, los estudiantes de la secundaria pueden recoger a sus hermanos o parientes durante la hora de salida si cumplen con los siguientes procedimientos.
Las siguientes reglas son necesarias para que los estudiantes de la secundaria puedan recoger a los alumnos de la primaria:
- Los padres o tutores de los estudiantes de la primaria debe dar permiso por escrito antes de que sean recogidos por un estudiante de la secundaria de las escuelas públicas de Wapato. Formas de permiso estarán disponible en las oficinas de la primaria y on-line.
- Todos los estudiantes de la secundaria deben de tener su identificación de su escuela a la vista. Los estudiantes que se han registrado en las oficinas de la primaria recibirán una pegatina para colocar en su identificación de estudiante.
- Cada escuela tendrán un área designada para que los estudiantes de las escuelas secundarias puedan recoger un alumno de la primaria a la hora de despedida. Para garantizar la seguridad del edificio de la escuela y el patio de juegos, los estudiantes de la secundaria serán prohibidos estar fuera del área designada.
- Estudiantes de las escuelas secundarias no pueden subirse al autobús con los alumnos de la primaria.
Los estudiantes que no han seguido los procedimientos, no serán permitidos esperar en la propiedad del las escuelas. Disciplina se aplicara a cualquier alumno que no se ha registrado con las escuelas primaria hasta e incluyendo ser acusado de traspasar en la propiedad de las escuelas primarias. Los administradores, los oficiales de Phoenix Security y el oficial de recursos de las escuelas de Wapato garantizaran que los procedimientos sean seguidos y la salida segura para los estudiantes y personal en las escuelas primarias.
- Los estudiantes de la secundaria no serán permitidos en la propiedad de las escuelas primarias hasta 5 minutos antes de la hora de la despedida.
- Estudiantes de la secundaria no pueden subirse al autobús con alumnos de las primarias
Dear Parents,
Secondary students may pick up siblings or relatives during dismissal at the elementary schools with signed parent/guardian permission. In order to for your child to be picked up by an older student we are asking that you register the secondary student with your child’s elementary school. Safety is our first and foremost concern for all students attending Wapato Public Schools. To ensure the safest environment for all of our students and staff members, students who have been registered will be the only secondary students allowed on the elementary campuses prior to 3:30 p.m.
While at the schools please be aware that the following rules apply:
- All school and district rules for student discipline still apply.
- Secondary students should not enter the buildings.
- Secondary students must stay in the designated pick up area.
- A secondary student without current identification and school issued sticker will not be allowed to pick up a student.
Please return the following information to your child’s elementary school.
Name of Elementary Student: ____________________________________________________
Name of School: (circle) Adams Camas Satus
Name of Secondary Student: _____________________________________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian giving permission for pick up:_______________________________
Phone number for parent contact at elementary dismissal time: _________________________
(Keep current to ensure that pick up is allowed)
Thank you for your help in keeping ALL students safe!
Principal Approval Signature Date
Cc Secondary School Principal