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Adams Elementary School

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Family Resources » Adams Elementary Discipline Policy

Adams Elementary Discipline Policy

“Challenge, success, confidence, and joy in learning. Everyone achieving, everyone accountable.”


According to Webster’s Dictionary, discipline is:

  1. to punish or penalize for the sake of discipline
  2. to train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control
  3. training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental faculties or moral character.

Adams believes in the efficacy of the second and third definition.

School is a learning institution. Children are sent to school to prepare for their future as adults. This requires some general guidelines that all must follow in order to create and maintain a climate in which learning can take place.

Parent Responsibilities:

            Read and discuss behavior expectations with your child

  1. The Basic Rules of Wapato Public Schools
  2. Parent Handbook
  3. Classroom Rules and Expectations (see class syllabus)

Send your child to school ready to learn. Teach them:

  1. to respect authority
  2. to follow directions
  3. to share and take turns
  4. to solve problems by using words – not fighting
  5. to seek help when needed

Student Responsibilities:

  • To come to school to learn
  • To do your best
  • To follow the school/class rules
  • To get help when needed
  • To respect your teachers
  • To get along with other students
  • To take responsibility for your actions and consequences


School Responsibilities:

è To provide a safe learning environment

è To provide guidance and assistance as needed


Teacher Responsibilities:

è To create a positive classroom learning climate

è To establish good classroom management and reinforce class rules and procedures

è To recognize and reward positive behaviors

  • To provide a challenging and inviting curriculum.