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Adams 5th Grade PUP Awards 11:30 a.m.
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Added Mar 06, 2023
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check check check okay text you already all right good morning everyone and welcome to the Adams pup awards for the month of January and to get things started I'm going to hand the microphone off to rasv president Mario Welcome Elementary parents hello my name is Mario we want to thank you for joining couple word assembly today will be honoring his students are receiving proper words for December are three rules that atoms are be safe you respectful and irresponsible during her award assembly please these rules keep your hands and feet to yourself and stay in your seat. When appropriate pay attention and stay quiet during our presentation give attention to the presenter and do exactly what is asked of you please stand for the flag salute flag of United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands call Energy Justin Bieber you may be sitting all right excellent job all right we'll jump right in here getting started with our specialist recognition these are classrooms that have been recognized for going to I'm beyond in either PE physical education with mr. Trevino music with mr. Salazar or our science class with mrs. Alvarado and we'll start off with our stem class being recognized for excellence going above and beyond in science by Mrs Alvarado the award goes to mrs. Ricker all right and moving into music The Clash of recognized for excellence in music for the month of January by mr. Salazar award goes to miss England in our final specialist award being awarded by mr. trivia for the class that went Above and Beyond in physical education and that award goes to mrs. Willie all right and now moving on to our individual Awards and we're going to start off today in we're start off today with mr. Brewington so being recognized for exceptional effort going above and beyond in mrs. riechers classroom James Brown Denver Post but was that enough time give me to go back when you have to go back so all right next being recognized by mrs. Paulsen for engagement and effort Jade Mendoza all right now moving to mr. were lorises classroom being recognized for excellence in citizenship Gage Gamboa do workday age is your work alright nice job next being recognized by mr. elora's for excellence in academics Jacob gym attaboy stop and pose Jacob. Perfect a nice work you guys all right moving to Mrs anglin's class from being recognized for excellence in citizenship Jose Fuentes Ruiz being recognized by Miss Englund for excellence in academics Ariana Moses next move and Miss Hunter's class from being recognized for excellence in citizenship and I sent you all right staying mrs. Hunter's class from being recognized for excellence in academics Eduardo all right moving to Mrs rayfield's class should be recognized for excellence and citizenship Ciara Cardona navigate to Post perfect moving or staying at mrs. Rayfield classroom being recognized for excellence in academics Adrian Moreno stop and pose all right moving to mrs. riechers classroom being recognized for excellence in citizenship all right next be recognized for excellence in academics by mrs. Rieger Oliver Moore yeah good job all right moving to mrs. Willy's classroom being recognized for excellence in citizenship all right and from this is Willie from being recognized for excellence in academics Kaylie Clark who is going today we will make sure she gets that all right and we have a few might actually have to pull a couple kids out of the stands here so perfect attendance for the month of January 18 students are in perfect attendance for the month of January here in the fifth grade so I'll be walking around to classrooms later today to hand out those certificates but yesterday was also the end of the semester and we had some students here that reached a really big big Benchmark and I'm going to call the one that we pulled down first to have a couple of the names so perfect attendance for semester one 90 days he hasn't missed a single day of school shin lopez-ramos did you stop and pose next I've got two more from mrs. anglin's classroom so I'm going to need a couple of kids to come down student number one perfect attendance for semester one Allison baldamar all right and the last one for mrs. anglin's room Justin Guevara Korea all right let's give all of our wood recipients one more big round of applause nice job to everybody amazing okay students families in person if you're watching online I have a pile of announcements I'll try and be really fast so last time I did this I talked about the Friendship dance on February 10th never got super excited but I want to say this now kids hear me families this is a family event kids you know you did bring your
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